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Florida Lacrosse Officials Association


Commonly asked questions:

How do I get started?
​Contact boardmembers Dave, Joseph, Luc or Jon to get started. Provide us with some information about yourself so we know what level you are starting from and we will proceed from there. All new members, regardless of experience level are required to attend an onboarding class in order to familiarize themselves with how our association operates. Find boardmember emails on the Board page.

How much does it cost to get started?
We provide a comprehensive list of the equipment needed to work as an official on the Learn More page. For a new official, starting with nothing, you can expect to spend approximately $200. This may sound like a lot, but can easily be made back in less than 1 day of tournament or 3 games of a regular season.

What about dues?
There are three sets of dues required.

  • FLOA dues is one varsity game ($83).
  • USA Lacrosse membership dues (all FLOA members are required to be USA Lacrosse members as well – $50).
  • FHSAA dues ($45 for lacrosse only registration).

NOTE: USA Lacrosse and FHSAA registrations both include required insurance.

How much do I get paid?
This depends on what games you are working. We have varying pay scales for each type of event. See the pay table on the Learn More page for details.

How often should I expect to work?
This depends on you. We have people who are only in town to work with us during tournaments, some people only work during the varsity season, and others work all year around. Keep an open line of communication with Tracy (our assignor) and she will help you get the schedule that works best for you.

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About US

The Florida Lacrosse Officials Association, also known as FLOA, is located in Orlando, Florida, and is the go-to officials service provider for any and all boys/mens lacrosse programs operating in central Florida.